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HD Car Care Bandung | 2020 Honda Odyssey | HD Platinum Service

2020 Honda Odyssey
HD Platinum Service treatment on 2020 White Honda Odyssey
our HD Platinum Service treatment include all of the following works:
✓ complete auto detailing
✓ nano-ceramic coating
✓ nitro-sealant wax coating
✓ windshield glass coating
✓ engine dressing
✓ interior clean-up
✓ bactakleen anti-bacterial fogging
All our services include the following:
1. Asphalt dirt and blemish clean-up
2. ‎Total detailing (exterior, interior, engine)
3. ‎Light scratches and swirl mark clean-up
4. ‎Paint correction
Nano ceramic coating protects your car from light scratches and any hazardous material impossible to avoid in our day-to-day driving. Some of the benefits are as described below:
• High hydrophobicity
• ‎UV radiation and high temperature resistance
• ‎Invulnerability against oxidation and corrosion
• ‎Resistance against hazardous chemical compound
• Add a deeper and richer color to car paint
• ‎Protection against light scratches
• ‎Long-lasting
Some of its characteristics are as follow:
° High Gloss
° Self Cured
° Thermal stability up to 1,100°F / 590°C
° 9H Hardness
all work done by HD Car Care Bandung crew
contact no. 0817-517-9999
don't forget to check out our IG account @hdcarcarebdg

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Author: admin
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