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Review ST XTA Coilover

Length of use: approx. more than 3 months of a combined city and highway driving

The good:
•Superb German Engineering
•Excellent build quality
•Excellent match up between spring rates and valving
•Adjustability without that bouncy feeling
•Ada harga ada barang

The bad:
•I cannot stop driving my car now :ketawa:

The ugly:
•None really

The verdict:
So Okay; I switched to ST XTA from Tein Street Advance. There is nothing wrong with the Tein Street Advance but they are just that, a street coilover and I needed more. More of what? More of precise match up between spring rates and valving. These are what set the top dogs apart in the coilover worlds vs other lesser coilovers. One might argue that "Oh saya buat harian aja" Well guess what? These are build for your harian too :ketawa:
Actually I set my eyes on its higher end, the KW V2 or V3 but to be honest, I don't have that budget because I already ordered some more engine and suspension parts so the ST XTA will do for now.
You would know what a build quality as soon as you opened this from its box. Some nay sayers are saying that the ST or KW ride will be harsh but I'll say that they don't have a clue what are they talking about. You need to dial the suspension vis-a-vis its height to get that combo which you are looking for, be patience, that's what a coilover is for. Of course it'll get stiff dialed full stiff. Just so you know, if dialed full stiff but still soft it means that you have a crappy suspension. End of discussion.

To those who don't know, the ST XTA is a sister company from KW GmbH based in Fichtenberg, Germany. The company is one of the world's best suspension makers. Each coilover they put it on suspension dyno and chassis dyno to ensure that all works flawlessly as advertised. And I bet that other than top dogs such as Ohlins, Bilstein, KW/ST, Aragosta, I don't think other coilover producers have these two important equipments on their facilities.

Will I buy again for my other project car? Hell yea and I'm going KW v3 (at least v2) for my next project ;)


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Author: admin
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