2003 E46 325i #BismarkE46
Halo semuanya setelah sekian lama akhirnya dapet juga E46 :)
kebetulan dari dulu kepengen banget dan pada tahun 2016 akhirnya kesampean punya juga
gak pake lama spec langsung saya beberin dimari berserta foto foto step by step modif Bismark.
Spec List:
Bone stock M54B25
Replacement K&N Filter
Rolling Stock:
Eibach lowering kit
Work Manarays MS6 (18", 8 wide front 10 wide rear) <--- Khusus display atau kalo lagi pengen caper
SSR GTV 02 (19" 8 wide all around) <--- Sepatu harian :D
Work Manarays MS6: Accelera (lupa ukurannya ntar di update :) )
SSR GTV 02 Accelera (Lupa juga ukurannya, mau di ganti sama advan fleva)
Standard shock breakers and brakes
Dynavin headunit (gak tau model namenya cuma tau itu keren dan bisa nyetel sp*tify :P )
-M3 Bodykit (Side skirts, Front bumper, Rear bumper)
-OEM Ducktail (Soon to be replaced)
Upcoming parts:
-Recaro SR3 with or without harnesses
-Custom made center exit exhaust system including headers
-M3 CSL Trunk (Kepengen banget, setiap nemu pasti barangnya udah sold)
-More running shoes (Rays G25 in Bronze or Rays Gram Lights 57D in orange) with semi slicks
-Itasha-ed :p
Sisanya tinggal foto foto aja nih hehehe
monggo di nikmati

Jika Berkenan monggo di follow perjalanan saya di Instagram @Kai4__
Special thanks to
New face automodification for helping me find most of the parts
My wallet and my credit card for staying strong during my Khilaf times
My dad for finally accepting that I like BMW's more than Mercedes Benz
and my cat for not peeing in my car :D
kebetulan dari dulu kepengen banget dan pada tahun 2016 akhirnya kesampean punya juga
gak pake lama spec langsung saya beberin dimari berserta foto foto step by step modif Bismark.
Spec List:
Bone stock M54B25
Replacement K&N Filter
Rolling Stock:
Eibach lowering kit
Work Manarays MS6 (18", 8 wide front 10 wide rear) <--- Khusus display atau kalo lagi pengen caper
SSR GTV 02 (19" 8 wide all around) <--- Sepatu harian :D
Work Manarays MS6: Accelera (lupa ukurannya ntar di update :) )
SSR GTV 02 Accelera (Lupa juga ukurannya, mau di ganti sama advan fleva)
Standard shock breakers and brakes
Dynavin headunit (gak tau model namenya cuma tau itu keren dan bisa nyetel sp*tify :P )
-M3 Bodykit (Side skirts, Front bumper, Rear bumper)
-OEM Ducktail (Soon to be replaced)
Upcoming parts:
-Recaro SR3 with or without harnesses
-Custom made center exit exhaust system including headers
-M3 CSL Trunk (Kepengen banget, setiap nemu pasti barangnya udah sold)
-More running shoes (Rays G25 in Bronze or Rays Gram Lights 57D in orange) with semi slicks
-Itasha-ed :p
Sisanya tinggal foto foto aja nih hehehe
monggo di nikmati
Jika Berkenan monggo di follow perjalanan saya di Instagram @Kai4__
Special thanks to
New face automodification for helping me find most of the parts
My wallet and my credit card for staying strong during my Khilaf times
My dad for finally accepting that I like BMW's more than Mercedes Benz
and my cat for not peeing in my car :D
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